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Our Membership Offers

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Joining Our Conflict Research Network Community in West Africa.

Featured Member

No featured member available at the moment.

A member is an individual who possesses a PhD, is an academic researcher in a university or a research focused organisation, and has published a minimum of three refereed publications, at least one of which must be on conflict in a West African state.

Associate Members lack conflict research expertise but seek CORN West Africa association. They have zero expertise in conflict research, but would like to identify with CORN West Africa.

An affiliate member is a PhD/Master’s student researching conflict-related topics within a West African state for academic study. He/she could be conducting research on a topic related to conflict in a West African state.

Invite-only role for retired senior academic with PhD and West African conflict expertise. Substantial contributions to the literature on violent conflicts and peace building in West Africa must have been made.

Become a Member Today

Applicants for the Associate Member category should click the Registration link below to register. Applicants for the Member and Affiliate Member categories should submit a cover letter and CV to [email protected]. Applicants will be informed of the decision upon review.